On this page you will find lots of great information that you can use right now, free of charge to start feeling better. If you need any support or guidance please reach out to us at
Louise is inspired by Vanda Scaravelli who explored a new and profound way of moving that guides you through a beautiful journey of waves and spirals.
Ashley leads us through some gentle yoga poses and a energy centre focused yoga nidra to relax your mind and body.
In this video Emma takes you through some gentle stretches that are great anytime of day. This video includes a warm up for the body.
Emma leads us through some stretches for the spine and legs. Make sure you have watched Part 1 first!
Emma shows us how through lymphatic drainage massage we can increase the healing flow within our own bodies.
Join Krissy to learn how to access and read your own astrology chart! Use this empowering tool to understand yourself, your purpose and life a little better.
Join Shelley for a beautiful light filled Reiki transmission which will have you feeling relaxed and calm.
Join Emma and Helen and find out how you can drain and care for your Sinuses.
Join Jo and Ashley to discover the power of the breath in leading a healthy happy life
Join Jo and Krissy to find out how to get a better nights sleep tonight!
All our wisdom in one place about getting a good nights sleep every night.
Prayer and connection is healing. This is a beautiful simple blessing to honour your practice or day.
Read this document to understand the basis and benefits of Qigong.
Join Nick to get a feel for the benefits of Qigong and how it can support your wellness journey
Use this amazing magnet based Bio-dots and tech-dots to protect you and your family from unnecessary radiation from all your devices.
This gentle and connecting practice will help you experience the major energy channels in the body. Bringing you back to your heart and centre.