
Detoxing your mind and body does wonders, it is a natural reset button...

Robin Baker

There are a variety of methods we can call upon to help your body clear out toxins....

Infrared Sauna

Infrared Sauna heats your body at a cellular level allowing it to get rid of toxins that have accumulated. It can help eradicate mould and aluminium and other metals both of which have been found to be pre-cursors to Lyme disease and other immune system disorders.

Lymphatic Massage

Your lymphatic system is your sewage system. When lymph nodes get blocked the effectiveness of this system is compromised. Massage is an amazing tool which can clear lymphatic pathways and enable the detoxification process.

Some require therapists... others you can do yourself

Bio-Magnetic Pairing Therapy

When we become unwell our body Ph changes. We become more acidic which makes it easier for bacteria and viruses to take hold. Bio-magnetic Pairing Therapy brings your Ph back down so your immune system can function properly again.

Digital Detox

Screens are not healthy for our nervous system. We explore why during this program. No screens should be viewed 2 hours before going to sleep and 1 hour after waking. This ensures better rest and enables the vital recovery our bodies do while we sleep.

And some are a little more unusual...!

Dry Brushing

A gentle yet effective way of encouraging lymphatic flow.

A soft brush us applied to the skin in circular and sweeping motions following the lymphatic system flow. This can be done twice a day and is part of the ancient Ayurvedic toolkit for clearing toxins from the body.

Bee Venom