Holistic Wellness for Everyone
Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the begining of the journey...
You are in the right place.
Upcoming Workshops
Every month we offer 2 free online workshops that will help you feel better and when we can a live in person event.
Simply sign up and join us on zoom to benefit from our experts knowledge.
Shiatsu self-massage is an excellent way to maintain general health, boost your immune system, energy, muscle tone and flexibility. Connecting to the breath, gravity and a felt response to movement and touch, you will learn simple relaxation techniques and acupressure points that support everyday health and wellbeing with mindful movement sequences, and an invitation to lie down and receive guided meditations that can be adapted for self-care at home.
As humans we are designed to learn to please others so we receive the nourishment we need in terms of connection, love and support. However this can become detrimental if done at the expense of our own needs. Learning self-awareness and holding firm clear boundaries is essential if we want to break the cycle and live in a truly authentic way that allows us to relate more truly to one another.
Getting your practice RIGHT for you, with the marvellous Jo Stephens and Drew Hume. What does "LISTENING to your body" mean? We will explore this concept in DEPTH so at the end of the morning you will have an understanding of what the subtle signals look like and how to get your practice right for you. £50 to secure your place.
About Us
We are a team of people dedicated to wholehearted wellness. Some of us have personal experience of chronic illness and have found our way back to health. All of us have very specific skills and experience through which we will empower you to take responsibility for becoming and staying well. We understand it is a continuous journey to stay in balance.
Our Program
While all the biological causes vary, often the symptoms of low energy and chronic illnesses are very similar. This is why the symptoms are so often mis-diagnosed. Whilst we understand how they are different, we also recognise that what supports recovery is a holistic treatment program.
At Finding Wellness we know health depends upon embracing the work on energetic, emotional, mental and physical levels. If you are empowered to take the responsibility that is needed then this program is for you...